On our last day in North Carolina, we wanted to see Fort Raleigh. It is on Roanoke Island.
Walking to the fort we came across this marker that commemorated the first English settlement.
We saw a video about the Lost Colony and then went out to hear a Rangers talk at the fort. I expected a fort, build like with Lincoln Logs. or something. I did not expected an earthen fort.
There is a theater here also, where they reenact the story of the Last Colony. We did not see the play as it was performed at 8:00 pm and we were an hour and a half drive away. So it would have been way past our bedtime. Plus driving unfamiliar roads in the dark was not something we thought was a wise idea.
It started to rain, so we headed back to the Visitor's Center. We spend some time enjoying the exhibits. Examples of the type of clothes worn by the Indians in this area were on display.

This vest was also on display.
Copper was used as money and traded with the Indians. This was a necklace brought from English. The cord had rotted away but the cooper has remained.
Several archaeological digs have been done and pots used back in the era of the Lost Colony were found.
Not only was this the site of the Lost Colony but it also was the spot for the First Light of Freedom. It was said if a slave got to Roanoke Island they had hit freedom. This was part of the Underground Railroad.
A colony of Freedmen developed on Roanoke Island.
Great Visitor's Center!
We might have hiked around this park longer, but a downpour started so we ran to our car and head to North Carolina Aquarium.