We came home Saturday from Orlando. Bob did not do well on the flight home. By the time we got to Dallas, his dizziness and light headiness was too much, so we got a wheelchair for him. We picked up Pralines at the Pooch Hotel. She was happy to see us, and we all headed home.
Sunday, Bob was better but not great. We decided it was best for him to rest for the day as he was having tests on Monday before his surgery on Tuesday. Scot was performing in a cantata for Christmas at his church. So I headed to Ft. Worth for that and lunch with him. It was a Scottish Christmas and the performance was just awesome. Not a great picture but I felt odd taking pictures in the church. Of course it didn't stop me from snapping one. Sorry Bob missed it.
Monday, we moved into Heather's, as Bob had to be at the hospital at 6:00 am and she lives only blocks away. Bob had blood tests and a CT Scan. We went back to Heather's and enjoyed the children one more day.
We had taken over Asher's room, but during nap time he returned gladly to his bed, with Hoppie and his pacifier.
Tuesday morning before light we headed to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Where Bob was scheduled for an ablation and a pacemaker. The front of the hospital, was all decorated for Christmas. You can't really see in this picture but the lights made it look like it was snowing.

Check in went easy and by 7:00 Bob was prepped and ready. I was soon escorted out to the waiting room as the first of two procedures started about 8:00. Vicki (Kiki) came to wait with me. Two of Heather's children were sick. Waiting went by quickly with someone to talk to during the time. Thanks so much Vicki. I appreciate it more than you know. The hospital attendant, John, was great about keeping us posted. About every hour he would come over and give me an update. About 10:00 am, John told me the ablation was done and they were now starting the procedure to put in Bob's pacemaker. I began to notice that most of the people in the waiting room that I had been with since early morning were gone, but soon it was my turn. John let us know about 12:00 pm that the pacemaker was in and that Dr. Le would be out to see me. Dr. Le let me know everything went well and that Bob should really begin to feel much better. Thank you Lord. And thanks for all our friends who had lifted us both up in prayer.
While Bob was in recovery and being moved to a room, I went to Heather's and took a nap. I drove back later to the hospital to spend some time with Bob. He was still pretty medicated, but we were both glad it was over and successful. His blood pressure was a little high, so I stayed till that got it under control. About 8:00 pm, I headed to Heather's. It had been a long day!
Bob told me he would call when I could pick him up. Since I was so close and I was so tired, I didn't try to be at the hospital when Dr. Le made his rounds about 6:30 am. Bad decision. When he came in, he told Bob that everything had gone great with these two procedures. However, he wanted to talk to him about something. When they had done the CT scan, they found the Bob's right coronary artery was 90-95% blocked. He said that Bob would now need a cardiac catherization. Bob ask if Dr. Le would do the new procedure and he said, "No, I am an electrician and you need a plumber." When Bob called me and gave me the news, it was tough to hear. Things became a blur after that. I wasn't ready for another procedure. I went to the hospital and picked Bob up. We decided it was best for us to stay at Heather's until we figured out what was next.
Within hours, Bob was schedule for his heart cathe on Friday. Yes, the same week. Thursday he had more tests and Friday they operated on him to put a stint in his heart. This time Scot waited with me. We didn't have to be at the hospital till 7:00 am. Since they were making room for Bob in their schedule, the procedure didn't start to almost 10:00 am. About noon Dr. Saland, the plumber, came out to tell us that everything went great. That Bob had a 93% blockage and that we were fortunate to have found it before he had a heart attack. Thank you again Lord, you are so faithful. This time I was at the hospital when the doctor came in the morning. Everything was fine. We headed to Heather's house for the weekend. Heather and her family had gone to the Lake house for a wedding, and Bob and I babysit the dogs. That was Craig, Heather, and my excuse to keep Bob in Dallas near the hospital for a few days. Our motor home is in a park about 45 minutes of outside of Dallas. Here are some pictures of the children at the wedding. These are the cousins: Back left Asher than Addie and in front left Claire and cousin Miles. (Luke and Maci's little boy.)

We ended up staying through Wednesday, doing follow up checks. By Wednesday night, we were glad to go home and to our own beds. I'm sure Asher was equally glad to see us go.