Our first night in the motorhome was good and bad. The bed was wonderful! After sleeping on an air mattress at Heather's for also a month, this new pillow top mattress was heaven. As we dozed off to sleep it started raining. At first we thought the gentle drops on the roof were delightful. Then it started to pour! It was so loud we couldn't sleep and it even drowned out the TV. We did find out that we were water tight though and that was good to know. In the middle of the night we were sure we would be staying in Amarillo another day, as we didn't want our first day of driving to be in a downpour but when we awoke in the morning the rain had stopped.

This is a shot of the ceiling tile! More beautiful than it appears here and the elevator doors. Turned out that Robert Miller was the tax collector. His name was supposed to be on the registration.
The old Santa Fe building made the trip worthwhile for me. We also made another trip to Wal-mart for a set of silverware and a sharp knife.
On our way home we saw horses all over town. Chicago has there cows and Amarillo has it's horses.
We headed back to the campsite and started our first drive to Wichita Falls, where we camped for the night.
Got a little lost finding the Wichita Falls RV Park , but we made it by 4:00 p.m.
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