Sunday, October 9, 2011

Another early day.

We again got up early, grabbed a breakfast roll, walked Pralines and caught the bus to the balloon grounds.We knew the Mass Ascension would be exciting as it was the last day of the fiesta.

We got there in time for the Morning Glow.

We were dressed for the weather, in the high 30's again.

We walked down to where the shape balloons were.  Here is a bumblebee.

Two more bumblebees holding hands.

Beautiful butterfly.

A Cheerful Clock

Spiderman the Pig

This was an unusual one.  Can you guess what it is?
Darth Vather.

Some baskets held one or two people.  Others held as many at 6-8.

Wells Fargo stagecoach was up in the air.

This was my heads position for hours,

As I watch this wonderful site.

We loved the Balloon Fiesta and will certainly come again.

This is a Zebra.  They are officials, much like the White Suiters in the Rose Parade.

A couple of Zebras.  It takes a lot of Zebras to put on a event like this.  Thank you Zebras and all the balloons and volunteer crew workers who worked so hard.  FYI: A balloon starts at about $35,000 to purchase.

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