Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meteor Crater Winslow, Arizona

We planned to be at the Grand Canyon today, but we couldn't get reservations until tomorrow, so we slowed our trip a little and stayed an extra night at the Meteor Crater RV Park.  We had not planned to go to the crater but with the extra day we took the 6 mile drive out to the crater.

50,000 years ago a meteor ended its 500 million year long race through space in a spectacular collision with Earth.  The resulting violent explosion created Meteor Crater, and this was the largest piece of the meteor found.

The meteor's impact left a crater nearly a mile across and more than 500 feet deep.  We took an hour long walk part ways around the crater.  We had a wonderful docent by the name of Kim.  She sure knew her information.  Can you see a flag at the bottom of the crater?  It is 6' tall.

If the Washington Monument was at the bottom of this crater it's top would be at eye level of the rim.  It would accommodate two million fans on the crater walls watching 20 football games being played simultaneously on the crater floor.

The site was formerly known as the Canyon Diablo Crater, and fragments of the meteorite are officially called the Canyon Diablo Meteorite.  Scientists refer to the crater as Barringer Crater in honor of Daniel Barringer who was first to suggest that it was produced by meteorite impact.

This is the ruins of Daniel Barringer's home.  The crater is privately owned by the Barringer family through their Barringer Crater Company, which proclaims it to be "the first proven, best-prserved meteorite crater on earth.  This was later turned into a museum and finally a guest house, after the new museum was built.  It burned to the ground during the stay of one of the guests.

During the 1960's, NASA astronauts trained in the crater to prepare for the Apollo missions to the Moon.

We had lunch at the Meteor Crater, as there was a Subway there.  In the picnic area, there was a brick wall with a window that had his awesome view.

These apartments are for the people who work at the crater.  You get free rent and utilities plus a salary when you work at this site. Plus an incredible view.  Tomorrow we move to the Grand Canyon.

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